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Created 4-Nov-11
Modified 24-Apr-13
15 photos
The Sundial Bridge, in Redding, CA, was designed by spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava. It lies within the Turtle Bay Exploration park and acts as a gateway to the River Trail system and over 300 acres of park land.
The Bridge crosses over the Sacramento River and is composed of Steel, Glass and Granite. The pylon stands over 217 feet. The bridge, opened in 2004, was primarily funded by the McConnell foundation

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Sundial Bridge, california, redding

Sundial Bridge EndSundial BridgeSundial BridgeSuspension Cable for the Sundial BridgeSundial Bridge TowerSundial Bridge TowerTower to the CloudsSundial Bridge TowerSundial Bridge TowerSundial Tower InteriorSundial Bridge - 2PM MarkerSundial Bridge SculptureSundial Bridge Tower