The american finale consisting of LMP1 & LMP2 series of race vehicles.
LMP2 (LeMan Prototype 2) vehicles are a class of vehicles that race in the American LeMans series. The LMP2 designation means that all the cars in this class are eight cylinder engines that are limited to a 3.4 liter discplacement for normally aspirated engines and 2.0 liters for supercharged or Turbocharged engines. Both types habve a weight limit of 1,652 lounds. Their cousins, the LMP1 class vehicles have a higher limit of 6.0 liters with no cylinder limit and a weight limit of 1,950 pounds.
Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory:Special Events
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:american, finale, laguna, le, lmp1, lmp2, mans, seca